Alison Officially confirmed what Dan Harmon had hinted at about the DVD’s, that we will get commentaries’ on all 25 episodes and that Dan Harmon will be in them all!
Great news!
Here are a few highlights from the article:
Yeah, but what about kissing Joel?
[Laughter] I will say, on the record, that ... it ain't bad. Joel's definitely a good sport. I can see the headline now: "Alison Brie Loves Kissing Joel McHale!" I would say the guy's a good kisser because he's got a lot of practice. Basically any woman that comes on the show eventually kisses Joel McHale. He's been around the block, ya know [laughs].
Star-Burns (Dino Stamatopoulos), what's his secret?
Dino's one of our writers and he sort of got thrown into the part, originally. It's a character that people have just grown to love, and I think Dino likes playing it more now. In the beginning, I think he felt like he sort of fell into this role. I don't think he knew how big it was going to be. Luckily, he likes to keep a beard anyway, so I think the star burns kind of get lost in the beard and when it's time, he'll just shave them again. He's getting really good at shaving those stars. I think for a while, he was the most recognizable person on the show, other than Joel and Chevy [Chase].
Were you really in a 'Hannah Montana' episode?
I was! It was my first TV job out of college. It was the first season of 'Hannah Montana,' so before all the hype or before Miley Cyrus blew up. So, I had no idea what it was, I was just, 'Yea, I booked a Disney show' and I get to work for a couple days. I had no idea where it was gonna go.
Check out the full article at
Thanks to Steven at for the tip!
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